Thursday, September 9, 2010

What is Compagnie Bacchus?

Charlottesville's French sister city is Besancon, home to Compagnie Bacchus, a theatre company created in 1985 that has performed extensively at many festivals internationally, primarily in Europe.  Local resident, Anne Ferre, who sits on the Board of Charlottesville Alliance Francaise, has been very active in our city's relationship with Besancon and has worked tirelessly to help bring Bacchus to Charlottesville.

Joining Ms. Ferre as our speaker next Tuesday night will be Jean Eberhard, who is visiting from France and advancing their fall tour to Charlottesville in November.  Performances have been booked at UVA and Live Arts.  You'll find their collective enthusiasm for Bacchus is electric!

1 comment:

  1. This looks great Kurt. Great job! And I believe our members will get a kick out of using this tool!

    A shout out to all Rotarian's. Use this's for you! Just sign-up using any account they recommend such as gmail or yahoo.
